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Did you know?

When buying Real Estate in Tasmania, a standard property inspection does NOT include checking for lead paint

Lead paint was used in most homes (and furniture) built in Tasmania built before 1980

Lead paint is dangerous - particularly to children

Bob De Groot offer comprehensive statewide lead paint inspections
throughout Tasmania

Getting a Lead Paint inspection before buying your home

Buying a home in Tasmania is an exciting milestone and most new buyers will arrange a building inspection before signing a contract. What you may not know is that if the home you’re purchasing was built before 1978 there is a very high chance that it will contain lead paint or dust from lead paint.

A standard building inspection does not currently check for lead paint.

Lead paint can pose serious health risks, especially for young children, including cognitive and behavioral issues. A professional leadpaint inspection is the best way to identify and mitigate this concern before you commit to a property purchase and it’s a small price to pay to ensure the safety and well-being of your family.

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How harmful is lead paint?

Up to the late 1970s, household paint often contained lead and other toxic ingredients. As lead paint ages, it chips and crumbles and creates dust. The lead can be absorbed by babies chewing on furniture or inhaling the lead dust once it has crumbled.

Exposure to lead paint can have devastating consequences, leading to developmental delays, and neurological damage in children. Lead exposure may also cause behavioral problems, cognitive issues, learning disabilities, and seizures.

Don't risk your family's wellbeing. Insist on a comprehensive lead paint assessment before committing to buying your home. The small investment upfront can save you from costly and dangerous problems later.

Bob De Groot painting contractors provide professional, comprehensive leadpaint inspections so you can make an informed decision about moving forward with the home purchase.  If you do decide to go ahead with the purchase of your home, we can also formulate a plan to remove the lead paint from your home and provide you with estimated costs.

How common is lead paint in Tasmania?

The older the paint in the house is, the more likely it is to contain high levels of lead. The vast majority of homes built in Tasmania before 1980 contain lead paint (often with a leadcontent of up to 50%). Anecdotal evidence from one lead paint inspector shows that of all homes inspected that were built up to 1979  all but two had evidence of lead paint and lead dust.  

The Australian Standard (2017) defines lead paint tolerances as paint containing 0.1% weight/weight (w/W) lead compared with the definitionof the 1997 version of the standard that defined lead paint as containing 1%w/w Lead.

Even small amounts of dust or chips of paint containing lead, generated during minor building repairs, can be a health risk. Lead is more likely to be ingested when paint is damaged or disturbed and can behazardous when found on surfaces subject to friction, like windows, railings and doors. Residues from lead based paint can lead to high concentrations of lead in garden soils and floor surfaces.

What happens if lead paint contamination is found?

Bob De Groot Painting Contractors use innovative tools to safely identify lead paint hazards.  In the event that lead paint is identified during an inspection we can provide you with a quote to remove the lead paint and recoat surfaces using using a range of low VOC, environmentally safe paints.

Our process includes removal of lead paint using a method that allows the lead paint to adhere to a removable surface, minimising dust, seal theunderlying surface and recoat using low VOC paints. All our paintingcontractors are fully trained in the correct removal of lead paint. Contact us for a quote.

Why can’t I remove lead paint myself?

Removing lead paint can be an expensive and a potentially hazardous undertaking. Dust needs to be minimised, contained and safely removed. Workers need to have the correct safety equipment and mask filters. The area surrounding the building needs to be able to capture potential lead dust so that it doesn’t leak into surrounding soil and waterways. In many ways lead paint removal can be a similiar process to removing other hazardous materials like asbestos. It is safest not to undertake lead removal on yourown. SOME METHODS OF REMOVING PAINT ACTUALLY INCREASE THE RISK OF LEAD EXPOSURE.  
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